The silly, off-beat, and experimental tone is a stark contrast to World of Warcraft’s tale of an endless cycle of war and recovery - and it’s one of the best parts about Blizzard’s arsenal right now. It’s not Ibsen, but that’s OK - Hearthstone has found its feet as an actual vehicle for storytelling in the Warcraft universe.

#Best hearthstone backgrounds series
They’re being pursued by a series of Indiana Jones-esque heroes, and along the way, a massive dragon returns from the dead and begins stirring up trouble. It’s an over-the-top fiasco, where a league of bombastic, villainous characters have stolen a flying magical city. The latest story campaign, Galakrond’s Awakening, is proof of Hearthstone’s progress. Over the last year, Blizzard has built up a fun, madcap storytelling style. In the background, Hearthstone has been trucking along.
#Best hearthstone backgrounds how to
The MMORPG has the task of figuring out how to tell a grand story backed by 15 years of canon, with player choice and elaborate cinematics. Occasionally, ideas from Hearthstone would cross over and show up in World of Warcraft, like the Tortollan race of ancient turtle people. Lore-wise, it was the Joey to the franchise’s Friends. Good luck on the ladder! Find other Hearthstone players and more on the SteelSeries Discord server.Hearthstone is a spinoff of the Warcraft franchise, and for most of the game’s history, the stories told within always felt like a “second-tier” sort of canon. I have nothing much to say about it, to be honest, because the move is necessary to change and refresh the meta from time to time. The only thing that changes is no more Combo Priest.Īlongside the new expansion, Blizzard revealed the cards that will retired into the Hall of Fame in 2020. Surprisingly, nothing changes and people still play Priest with how it used to - Resurrect Priest. By removing six old priest cards into the Hall of Fame - Prophet Velen, Divine Spirit, Auchenai Soulpriest, Holy Fire, Shadowform, and Northshire Cleric - Blizzard thinks it will change how this class is played. Over the years, Priest always has the same win rates. It seems like verybody can hit Legend with less effort because of the MMR-based matchmaking system. People may get excited about this new ranked system but I quite disagree with it - reaching Legend rank 24 in less than 10 days is just not exciting for me anymore. The new skill “outcast” is really something - not hard to understand, but skill are needed if you want to play it in a better way. I can say that I am a bit to into this new class.

Demon Hunter class was live within one day, and right afterwards they did a big nerf on four cards already - so I can assume that they haven’t tested it long enough. The first thing that pops up in my mind when I read about this new class is, “Too soon?” By that, I mean, have they tested it and if so, for how long? Besides that, I also wonder how exciting this new class could be. In addition, Blizzard added a new ranking system and an overhaul of the Priest class.

Hearthstone began its "Year of the Phoenix" with Demon Hunter - the first new class added since the game's launch. Plus, the fact that it's a secret makes it even better - sometimes it can make the opponent think twice before taking a value trade on board. I dare to say this is the best secret in Hearthstone until now - 2 mana minions evolving into ones that cost 3 higher will never be bad. Learn how to use the Bladestorm and you’ll get rewarded on your games, for sure. Warriors can use this multi-purpose card either to remove a single target minion or multiple minions. The best way I can describe this card is “one man army.” Shadowjeweler Hanar can win the game for you on its own! Think of a 2 mana mysterious challenger, but you can choose what secret you want to get in play depending on the situation. You know you have a good card when it costs 6 mana, works similarly to “Wondrous Wand,” doesn’t need any setup, and we can put 2 copies of it on our decks! 3. Kael'thas Sunstrider works best in Spell Druid and OTK Demon Hunter decks, both of which are tier one for now. Here are the 5 strongest cards in Ashes of Outland Expansion so far (in my opinion) 1. Besides that, I am also known as the silver medalist for Asian Games 2018 (and more). In 3 years of my Hearthstone career, I managed to reach some milestones, one of which is to be the first Southeast Asia player who successfully finished in the 1st place Legend rank for US server. For some background, I started playing this game around 2017.